Wednesday, September 19, 2007

The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield

I'm a writer, and a reader. I love well written magnetic book that holds you close till the very end, but these days a book like that can be hard to come by. There are always the escape novels, but I'm talking about really good books that capture you and carry you to the end on a cloud of anticipation. Well, I just finished such a book.

If you haven't heard of the book The Thirteenth Tale, you should check it out. This engrossing tale is a definite must read! The author is Diane Setterfield and her novel is one of those good old fashioned Gothic novels with all the twists and turns that keep you guessing. But what I loved most about it is the way it draws you into the characters. With four main characters, but only two in the forefront there is a lot of mystery created, a thriller that keeps you guessing till the very end. I'm pretty good at solving who-done-its, but this one had me in its grip till the very end - which was at the end of a long night because I couldn't put it down.

It opens with a mousy loner type of character who is rather nondescript. But right away I got the impression there was more through the way that first chapter was laid out. From the beginning it brings into the mix twins and the concept of twin language, and so much more. Oh, and yes, there is a deep dark secret...well, actually more than one! The twists and turns leave you hanging on the edge and if you're the type of reader who only reads an hour or two a night this will keep you coming back to just get a peek as to where it goes next. The best part - or maybe the worst is it leaves you with questions at every turn that can definitely keep you awake nights till you've finished this tome.

If you haven't yet explored the book, The Thirteenth Tale, take time to wander through the hallways of this narrative about this disjointed group of people until this innovative tale totally captures your imagination. Maybe like me, you’ll read and re-read the pages to discover another part of the twists and turns that makes this book so gripping.

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